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Your ultimate destination for business, tax, and financial insights tailored to empower small business owners like you. Our mission is to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to achieve greater success in your entrepreneurial journey. From expert tax advice to business growth tips and innovative financial solutions, our comprehensive resources are designed to help you navigate the complexities of the business world and unlock your full potential. Explore our curated content and discover how SuccessHub can be your trusted partner in propelling your business to new heights, Be More Successful!

What’s your money story?

February 21st, 2024|

What you believe about money and how you relate and interact with it affects every aspect of your life and business. A belief is simply a story that you have told yourself so many times ..

Let’s reflect and reset for 2024

February 21st, 2024|

2023 provided its fair share of challenges, highlights and opportunities, with many businesses and people feeling the pinch. From adversity can come opportunity. As the new year begins, it’s time to reflect on the past ..

Have you got a plan for growth in your business?

January 16th, 2024|

It may be as simple as identifying where the opportunities for growth are in your business and industry. Once you've done this you can establish what you and your team are going to have ..

Setting goals for you and your business in 2024

January 16th, 2024|

The new year is a new beginning. If you are a business owner, this is often the time of year when you reflect on where you are at and think about your business goals for ..

Want to spend more time doing what you love?

January 16th, 2024|

A key benefit of owning your own business is choosing your working hours. That was probably a drawcard when you started out. Chances are, you planned to spend less time in your business and ..

Tax on Christmas gifts and entertainment

December 8th, 2023|

If you're buying gifts for your staff or customers during the holiday season, it's important to be aware that some of these expenses may qualify for tax deductions. For staff gifts, the general rule is ..

How to handle annual close-downs

December 4th, 2023|

If you usually close down over Christmas or you’re thinking about it for the first time, doing it properly is important. For most of us Xmas is a hectic time. Work and personal commitments escalate ..

Changes to Trusts

December 4th, 2023|

Trusts are a hot topic right now, especially with the likelihood of an increase in the trustee tax rate after the election, recent changes to trust disclosure rules, and Inland Revenue seeking input on an ..

Our time at the Gap Conference and Awards

November 15th, 2023|

Ever thought spending two days with 500 accountants could be exhilarating? Our recent experience at the Gap Reunion conference in Wellington was beyond expectations! You might think that if we told our friends we ..

Plain english guide to profit and loss

November 13th, 2023|

Here's our Plain English guide to profit and loss and what this report reveals about your finances. What is profit and loss? Your profit and loss statement is commonly called your ‘P&L’. It’s also sometimes ..

Common employment agreement mistakes

October 19th, 2023|

Every employee in NZ must have a written employment agreement, whether they are full-time, part-time or casual. As the fundamental legal document between an employer and an employee, the employment agreement sets out the terms ..

How much should you pay yourself?

October 19th, 2023|

Being the boss means you get to make all the big decisions about your business – including how much to pay yourself in wages, salary or drawings. As the owner, you might need to underpay ..